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Late Fee Revenue in Servicing Valuation

Late Fee Revenue in Servicing Valuation

How is the expected late fee income determined? What is the importance of late fee revenue in servicing valuation? What does it take to strategically balance mortgage rights servicing costs with projected late fee revenue to drive maximum profitability? The myriad of...

Foreclosure Costs in Servicing Valuation

Foreclosure Costs in Servicing Valuation

Navigating foreclosure costs in servicing valuation can be complicated when you have several moving parts and diverse models to optimize for your business. Critically weighing the risks and costs of delinquencies requires careful diligence since there is opportunity...

About The Mortgage Professional’s Handbook Vol. 3

About The Mortgage Professional’s Handbook Vol. 3

We have learned that access to valuable industry information and in-depth educational resources are a key component to business success in mortgage banking. It is with great honor to have been involved in the creation of The Mortgage Professional’s Handbook Vol. 3...