
MCT is a leader in the secondary market and mortgage industry space. Since 2001 we have grown from a mortgage pipeline hedging specialist into a fully-integrated provider of capital markets services and technology, constantly with a finger on the pulse on secondary market trends and news. Throughout these transformative years, we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and are eager to share that all with you. From webinar recaps to weekly market updates, stay updated by browsing our extensive blog content collection.

Introduction to Mandatory Loan Sale Delivery

Introduction to Mandatory Loan Sale Delivery

In this post, we will provide an overview for implementing mandatory loan sale delivery and how mortgage bankers are able to improve profitability through this transition from best efforts.

MCT Whitepaper: Mortgage Pipeline Hedging 201

MCT Whitepaper: Mortgage Pipeline Hedging 201

In this whitepaper, various hedging instruments will be explored, baseline inputs used in mortgage pipeline hedging will be examined, and recent industry advancements that have reshaped the hedging landscape will be discussed. Data integrity remains crucial to maximizing opportunities in hedging, and its importance will be emphasized throughout the discussion.

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: July 2024, Issue 40

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: July 2024, Issue 40

MCT recently announced the launch of new integrations with Fannie Mae’s Mission Score application programming interface (API) and Mission Score 2 and 3 product grids that provide better transparency and pricing for mortgages aligned with Fannie Mae’s mission objectives.

Q2 2024 Valuations Interview with David Burruss

Q2 2024 Valuations Interview with David Burruss

We asked MCT’s Director of MSR Sales, David Burruss, to sit down and provide insight regarding MSR valuations as it pertains to the current market. In this video, Mr. Burruss discusses industry trends and answers the questions that the majority of clients are currently asking him. Watch the video to hear his summary and advice on MSR Valuations.

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: June 2024, Issue 39

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: June 2024, Issue 39

MCT Star June 2024 – Sweet or Bittersweet Summer?
As summer heats up and activity in the mortgage industry remains dynamic, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest market trends and predictions. In our upcoming housing market prediction update, we’ll delve into the current state of the market, examine key indicators, and provide insights on what to expect in the coming months. Have you read our Housing Market Predictions blog?

How Correspondent Investors can Leverage AOT Automation in MCT Marketplace

How Correspondent Investors can Leverage AOT Automation in MCT Marketplace

In this blog, MCT’s Justin Grant, Senior Director, Head of Investor Services explains how AOT automation is paving the way for a new era of efficiency and profitability in mortgage trading, especially with the help of MCT Marketplace. Read on to see how AOT can benefit investors and sellers alike.

MSR Bulk Sales 2024 Update

MSR Bulk Sales 2024 Update

Click to watch this video and see what David Burruss has to advise on bulk MSR sales. – In this video, Mr. Burruss discusses industry trends and answers the questions that the majority of clients are currently asking him. Watch the video to hear his summary and advice on the current market.

MCT Whitepaper: Duration and Convexity in Mortgage Pipeline Hedging

MCT Whitepaper: Duration and Convexity in Mortgage Pipeline Hedging

The intricate world of mortgage pipeline hedging demands a nuanced understanding of key concepts such as duration, convexity, and the interplay between various market dynamics. In this whitepaper, we dive into the importance of grasping these concepts to effectively navigate the complexities of mortgage markets.

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: May 2024, Issue 38

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: May 2024, Issue 38

MCT Star May 2024 – We’re Moving!
We are relocating our corporate headquarters to a new office location as of May 1st, 2024. Our new address will be 406 9th Avenue, Ste 314, San Diego, CA 92101. Don’t worry…we still have a great view of Petco Park!

MCT Industry Webinar: Complete Best Execution – Now Including Fully Integrated Retain/Release MSR Decisioning

MCT Industry Webinar: Complete Best Execution – Now Including Fully Integrated Retain/Release MSR Decisioning

In this webinar, MCT will review the current state of the MSR market and discuss more comprehensive retain vs. release strategies, in addition to our recently introduced fully integrated Enhanced Best Execution (EBX) solution. MCT’s Paul Yarbrough will provide insights from a trader’s perspective regarding MSR best execution strategies at time of loan sale. He will also be highlighting MCT’s Rapid Commit technology and assignment of trade processes. This session will include a live demo of the EBX (MCTlive! and MSRlive!) integration, showcasing how EBX can effectively optimize your flow MSR trading process and decisions.

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: April 2024, Issue 37

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: April 2024, Issue 37

MCT Star April 2024 – Moving to Mandatory Loan Sale Delivery
When mortgage bankers sell their loans on the secondary market, most begin using the best efforts loan sale delivery method. As volume begins to pick up, mandatory loan sale delivery becomes attractive for the increased profits… but how do you manage the risk?

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: March 2024, Issue 36

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: March 2024, Issue 36

MCT Star March 2024 – Moving to Mandatory
Join us on April 4th at 11:00 AM PT for an industry wide webinar about switching from best efforts to mandatory loan sales. When mortgage bankers sell their loans on the secondary market, most begin using the best efforts loan sale delivery method. As volume begins to pick up, mandatory loan sale delivery becomes attractive for the increased profits… but how do you manage the risk?

MCT Webinar – Moving to Mandatory Loan Sale Delivery

MCT Webinar – Moving to Mandatory Loan Sale Delivery

In this webinar, MCT will discuss how lenders are leveraging mandatory loan sale delivery to improve profitability and manage risk with pipeline hedging. MCT will also review operational changes needed to move from best efforts to mandatory loan sales. Complete the form to join us on Thursday, April 4th at 11AM PT.

Industry Webinar – The New World of Warehouse Lines and Relationships

Industry Webinar – The New World of Warehouse Lines and Relationships

Last year’s regional banking crisis, pressure from the market downturn on mortgage originators, and recent events have all changed the warehouse lending landscape. Learn to navigate the new environment in our industry webinar featuring Western Alliance, Customers Bank, First Horizon, and Wintrust, with moderation by Chris Anderson, CAO at MCT.

Assignment of Trade (AOT) Executions 101

Assignment of Trade (AOT) Executions 101

In this blog post, MCT experts delve into the nature of an AOT execution, the impact of bid tape AOT on TBA positions, how automation has improved the AOT process, and how bid tape AOT affects the best execution strategy. Read on to learn all about the AOT process and why it is a must-have strategy in the current mortgage market climate.

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: February 2024, Issue 35

MCT⭐Star Newsletter: February 2024, Issue 35

MCT Star February 2024 – How Do You Manage Risk?

Join MQMR & MCT on February 15th at 11am PT for an informative webinar about MSR Risk Management, Compliance & Current Market Strategies. When managed properly, MSR portfolios can provide an additional source of income for your lending operations. However, regulatory compliance, risk management, and understanding current market values can at times overwhelm the most savvy portfolio managers.