Mortgage Pipeline Hedging

Whether you are making the move to mandatory executions, seeking improvements to your mortgage pipeline management process, or considering a change in your hedge advisor – MCT’s Hedge Advisory blends technology and service to achieve your goals. As the industry leader in pull-through analytics and best execution with the highest staff-to-client ratio, lenders of every size trust MCT to manage risk and optimize profitability in their mortgage loan pipeline management.

Watch and Learn More About our Mortgage Loan Pipeline Management in Hedge Advisory

MCT’s hedge advisory division pairs industry leading experience with award-winning technology. Watch our short video to learn more about:


  • How MCT helps clients maintain success during variable market conditions
  • Tools that help secondary managers automate complex and repetitive tasks
  • Recent innovations driving profitability and efficiency for clients
  • Mortgage pipeline risk management

Blend Software & Service for Your Pipeline Hedging Needs

Fully Managed Hedge Advisory Service

Our team of capital markets experts becomes an extension of your organization, providing:


  • In-depth Education & Training
  • Experienced Senior Trader Providing Guidance Throughout the Trading Day
  • Comprehensive Mark to Market Reports
  • Lift over Best Efforts Profitability
  • Trade Tracking/Dealer Wires
  • Hedging Strategies
  • Daily Pipeline Metric Reporting
  • Mortgage Loan Pipeline Management Best Practices
  • Robust Best Execution Analytics
  • Integrated with Leading LOS software
  • Mortgage pipeline risk management
  • Mortgage Hedging Accounting Reporting

Fully Autonomous with MCTlive!

Leverage our award winning software for powerful features such as trading, pipeline management and best execution:

  • Real-time Performance Reporting Dashboard
  • Loan Level Drill Down Functionality
  • Hedge Coverage Optimization Tool
  • “What If?” Hedge Scenario planning
  • Multidimensional Pull Through Modeling
  • Trade Management Functionality
  • LO Pull Through Performance Reporting
  • Intuitive Pipeline Management Tool Set
  • Comprehensive Loan Sale Best Execution Tool
  • Live Best Ex. Pricing Across All Delivery Channels
  • Fully Integrated Bulk Bid capability
  • Retained vs. Released Decisioning

Learn more about MCTlive! software!

Mortgage Hedge Advisory: How It Works

Your MCT trader interfaces directly with your secondary marketing professionals to create a daily cycle of disciplines for successful mortgage loan pipeline management with our mortgage hedging advisory services.

  • Lock – As prospective loans are locked with borrowers, your pipeline is automatically updated through MCT’s wide range of Loan Origination Software (LOS) integrations.
  • Coverage – Review and adjust your active hedge positions based on changes to your mortgage pipeline. Model your resulting position before you execute any trade.
  • Best Execution – As mortgages close, our industry-leading best execution analysis helps you select the optimal delivery method and destination according to your goals.
  • Report – Live and daily reporting supports transparency, optimization, and involvement for every stakeholder in your pipeline management.

Mortgage Hedge Advisory: Benefits

Education & Training

MCT emphasizes education and training for all clients. Expanding your capital markets knowledge leads to our mutual success.

Unparalleled Service

MCT is resourced for a very high touch “hand holding” customer experience.

Designed by Secondary for Secondary

MCTlive! was designed with our clients to provide them the tool to manage their capital markets needs.


MCT provides complete transparency from understanding hedge recommendations to loan sale best execution.

Industry Experience

Our employees have true industry experience and trusted relationships to further develop your professional network.

Hedge Advisory: Latest News & Educational Articles


In this post, we will provide an overview for implementing mandatory loan sale delivery and how mortgage bankers are able to improve profitability through this transition from best efforts.

Brian Gilpin, CFO and Head of Capital Markets at Embrace Home Loans, sits down to discuss his experience switching to MCT and the level of customer service.  Watch the video to hear more!

In this whitepaper, various hedging instruments will be explored, baseline inputs used in mortgage pipeline hedging will be examined, and recent industry advancements that have reshaped the hedging landscape will be discussed. Data integrity remains crucial to maximizing opportunities in hedging, and its importance will be emphasized throughout the discussion.

Advancing secondary marketing strategies and technologies is a passion of mine, and I look forward to continuing to make a difference in today’s ever-changing mortgage industry.

Phil Rasori
COO & Creator of MCTlive!

Getting Started

Request a quick introductory call to learn more about our Hedge Advisory services and software.

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