In this whitepaper, MCT teams up with CWDL to explain how excess is servicing is created. We will also discuss the cash and tax consequences of retaining the excess MSR. The focus of this whitepaper is to help small- to medium-sized originators take advantage of the unique opportunities that the excess of MSRs has presented.
In this whitepaper, Freddie Mac teams up with Mortgage Capital Trading to expand on interest following her panel appearance during the MCT Exchange client conference in 2019. The focus of this whitepaper is to identify unexpected costs associated with your loan sales to improve profitability.
With “Ginnie Field Guides – Parts 1 and 2,” we hope to alleviate some of the nervousness surrounding this unique delivery method and to jump-start your confidence on the subject matter. In these “cliff notes” of the Ginnie Manual, helpful hints are provided by an MCT expert that has had first-hand experience with the nuances of delivering with Ginnie Mae.
Read MCT’s whitepaper Lock Centralization 101 to learn what operational changes to staff, procedures, and technology will need to be made in order to establish a centralized lock desk for your business.
Read MCT’s Response to the FHFA’s Proposed Changes, January 2020 to learn how elements of the proposal would be detrimental to the mortgage lending community and MBS market participants.