MCT First to Integrate with Freddie Mac’s Income Limits API

MCT First to Integrate with Freddie Mac’s Income Limits API

MCT is pleased to announce it is the first secondary marketing platform to integrate with Freddie Mac’s Income Limits application programming interface (API) created for the first-time home buyer area median income (AMI) limits. Income Limits allows for the accurate pricing of Credit Fee in Price (Exhibit 19, or “Credit Fees”) waivers. This is the latest in a series of successful API integrations between MCT and Freddie Mac, and helps promote both pricing transparency and housing affordability.

BSI Financial Joins MCT’s Co-Issue Marketplace

MCT Launches BAMCO: Co-issue Loan Sale Marketplace for Shadow Pricing and Unique Executions

MCT announced the release of BAMCO, a new marketplace for co-issue loan sales. Co-issue loan sales, also known as flow-based mortgage servicing rights (MSR) sales, are a three-way transaction involving the sale of loans to one of the agencies with a simultaneous sale of the MSRs to a separate third party. BAMCO brings co-issue transactions directly into MCT’s whole loan trading platform and improves price transparency by connecting unapproved sellers to live executions from potential buyers.