
MCT is a leader in the secondary market and mortgage industry space. Since 2001 we have grown from a mortgage pipeline hedging specialist into a fully-integrated provider of capital markets services and technology, constantly with a finger on the pulse on secondary market trends and news. Throughout these transformative years, we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and are eager to share that all with you. From webinar recaps to weekly market updates, stay updated by browsing our extensive blog content collection.

Hedging Considerations for Secondary Market Trends | CMBA Panel Presentation by Phil Rasori

Hedging Considerations for Secondary Market Trends | CMBA Panel Presentation by Phil Rasori

This is our recap of the first of two different panel sessions Phil Rasori participated in at the California Mortgage Bankers Association (CMBA) 45th Annual Western Secondary Market Conference show in San Francisco at the Westin St. Francis Hotel from July 19 – 21. The presentation answered the question – “What is going on with the hedging market as related to granularity in the pricing of the mortgage asset?”

Yield & Arbitrage Theory – Risk Management Part 2

Yield & Arbitrage Theory – Risk Management Part 2

Servicing Insights Vol. 5 will explore how to tackle the uncertainty of interest rates which lead to uncertainty about the future values of your asset. Utilizing examples of both horse race and Superbowl betting strategies to review the concept of how to use averages to compute a price for your uncertain assets.

Appropriate Discounting Methodology – Risk Management Part 1

Appropriate Discounting Methodology – Risk Management Part 1

In Servicing Insights Vol. 4, we will focus on finding what is the appropriate discounting methodology. This covers the basics of cash flow return analysis and reviewing static vs. dynamic yield. Learn detailed aspects of servicing valuation & modeling for experienced mortgage bankers.

Hedging Note Rates That Transcend Coupons

Hedging Note Rates That Transcend Coupons

Learn from our experts why many hedge models are missing the mark when assigning price sensitivity to the asset prices of certain note rates. Download the full article from Secondary Marketing Executive magazine written by Philip Rasori.

Prepayments in Servicing Valuation

Prepayments in Servicing Valuation

Predicting prepayments is arguably the most difficult aspect of modeling the value of servicing, but there are a few tactics and best practices we recommend. Just like the channel 5 weatherman or the careful calculations of a rocket scientist, you can have a wealth of...

Late Fee Revenue in Servicing Valuation

Late Fee Revenue in Servicing Valuation

How is the expected late fee income determined? What is the importance of late fee revenue in servicing valuation? What does it take to strategically balance mortgage rights servicing costs with projected late fee revenue to drive maximum profitability? The myriad of...

Foreclosure Costs in Servicing Valuation

Foreclosure Costs in Servicing Valuation

Navigating foreclosure costs in servicing valuation can be complicated when you have several moving parts and diverse models to optimize for your business. Critically weighing the risks and costs of delinquencies requires careful diligence since there is opportunity...

About The Mortgage Professional’s Handbook Vol. 3

About The Mortgage Professional’s Handbook Vol. 3

We have learned that access to valuable industry information and in-depth educational resources are a key component to business success in mortgage banking. It is with great honor to have been involved in the creation of The Mortgage Professional’s Handbook Vol. 3...