MCT Whitepaper:
Non-Price Considerations in Your Best Execution Analysis
a whitepaper by MCT & Freddie Mac
In this whitepaper, MCT teams up with Freddie Mac to identify unexpected costs associated with your loan sales to improve profitability.
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MCT and Freddie Mac are consistently working together to ensure the best experience for our mutual clients. Learn how MCT and Freddie Mac are innovating the loan sale process by reading our latest updates to MCT's Rapid Commit®. The new integration automates Freddie Mac loan pricing and commitments with intelligent best execution capability via API connection.
About the Whitepaper:
In this whitepaper, MCT and Freddie Mac team up to review potential or unexpected costs in your best execution analysis and how to mitigate them in the future.
In this whitepaper, we review:
- Operational Efficiencies to Consider When Choosing a Buyer
- Identifying Hidden Costs of New Investor Approvals
- Seller Relationship and Optimizing Loan Sale Processes
Download our whitepaper to learn more about non-price considerations in your best execution analysis!

“The API integration between MCT and Freddie Mac has empowered mutual clients to commit more than 16,000 loans in the first 6 months of 2020.”
- Quote from section on operational efficiencies to consider when choosing a buyer
About Freddie Mac
Freddie Mac makes home possible for millions of families and individuals by providing mortgage capital to lenders. Since our creation by Congress in 1970, we’ve made housing more accessible and affordable for homebuyers and renters in communities nationwide. We are building a better housing finance system for homebuyers, renters, lenders and taxpayers. Learn more at FreddieMac.com, Twitter @FreddieMac and Freddie Mac’s blog.