Rasori’s Relentless Releases Episode 1:
Pull-Through Model Enhancements for Agency Refi Fees
In MCT’s first episode of Rasori’s Relentless Releases, Phil Rasori outlines recent updates to the pull-through model and assumptions in MCTlive!®, MCT’s award winning loan pipeline management software. Mr. Rasori also discusses yesterday’s (08/25) update on the Adverse Market Refinance Fees from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac being delayed until Dec. 1, 2020.
Want to watch the next episode? Visit the release page.
MCT® is continually optimizing our capital markets software to keep up with the current market space. In an effort to inform you of these real time enhancements this video will review the latest MCTlive! innovations and functionality updates for your benefit. View the episode then join our newsletter to be updated on new releases.
About the Video:
In Episode 1 of Rasori’s Relentless Releases, Phil Rasori discusses the delay of the 50 BPS Adverse Market Refinances Fees from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and how new functionality in MCTlive! can be used to manage the changes.
Topics Include:
- Overview of New MCTlive! Functionality
- Pull-Through Forecasting Explained
- Examples of Recent Loan Pull-through Experiences
- Demonstration of Pull-through Model Enhancements
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Rasori’s Relentless Releases focuses on technology updates to MCTlive!, MCT’s award Winning Loan Pipeline Management Software.
Benefits include:
- 100% Cloud-Hosted, Web-Based, Real-Time Functionality
- Multidimensional Pull-Through Analytics
- MCT Marketplace loan trading exchange
- Electronic TBA Trading
- Rapid Commit for Agency Delivery

“While these real-time enhancements provide substantial benefit to our clients, especially in a rapidly evolving market, the constant updates can sometimes be tough for a user to keep up with. That’s why we created Rasori’s Relentless Releases.”
Phil Rasori, COO, MCT
About the Host:
Phil Rasori, Chief Operating Officer, MCT
Mr. Rasori is a recognized thought-leader in capital markets operations within the mortgage banking community. His areas of expertise include complex financial modeling, computational dynamics, and linear programming for operational optimization. He developed the ground-breaking mortgage pipeline hedging algorithms that form the foundation of MCT’s HALO Program today. He has also pioneered several metrics that have become standard industry parlance, including “beta pull-through” factors. In addition to banking clients, Mr. Rasori has consulted with GSE agencies and the US Government on hedging best practices for community banks. Mr. Rasori has functionally led MCT operations since 2005 and ascended to his current role as COO in 2007.
Mr. Rasori is a graduate of University of California, San Diego, and holds a B.S. in Management Science.