Brian Gilpin, CFO and Head of Capital Markets at Embrace Home Loans, sits down to discuss his experience switching to MCT and the level of customer service.
Watch the video below to see what Mr. Gilpin has to say on his MCT experience.
Topics Include:
- What was the transition from moving from another company to MCT like?
- What has your experience been like with MCT?
- What makes MCT different from the rest?
“Customer service and the willingness to work with us, the ability to customize the product to meet our needs and how we do mortgage banking has just been an exceptional experience for us.”
– Brian Gilpin, CFO and Head of Capital Markets, Embrace Home Loans
Want to learn more from MCT?
In this latest MCT whitepaper, MCT’s Managing Director, Head of Sales, Ben Itkin, explains the intricate world of mortgage pipeline hedging’s key topics of duration, convexity, and the interplay between various market dynamics.

Download Whitepaper
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