MCT’s Response to the FHFA’s Proposed Changes, Jan. 2020
In November 2019, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) distributed proposed changes to MBS pooling practices for securities issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (together, the Enterprises), and requested input on the proposal.
In this whitepaper, Bill Berliner addresses the objectives and drawbacks of the three provisions addressed in the FHFA proposal. Complete the form to download MCT’s Response to the FHFA’s Proposed Changes to Pooling Practices, January 2020.
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About the Whitepaper:
MCT's Response to the FHFA's Proposed Changes, January 2020 covers:
- The objectives of the 3 provisions outlined in the FHFA proposal
- Drawbacks of each of the three provisions
- How these changes would affect the mortgage lending community and MBS market participants
Download our white paper today to learn MCT's response to the FHFA proposal!

“While MCT supports the objectives of the proposed changes, we believe that the proposal would not serve to improve the alignment of Fannie and Freddie prepayment speeds, while elements of the proposal would ultimately be detrimental to the mortgage lending community and MBS market participants.”
Bill Berliner, Director of Analytics writing in January 2020 about MCT's Response to the FHFA's Proposed Changes
About the Author:
Bill Berliner, Director of Analytics at Mortgage Capital Trading
As Director of Analytics, Bill Berliner is tasked with developing new products and services, enhancing existing solutions, and helping to expand MCT’s footprint as the preeminent industry leader in secondary marketing capabilities for lenders. Mr. Berliner has almost 35 years of experience in a variety of areas within the financial markets and secondary marketing. He brings extensive knowledge of fixed income trading and structuring, research and analysis, risk management, and esoteric asset valuation.
Mr. Berliner has also written extensively on mortgages, MBS, and the capital markets. He is the co-author, with Frank Fabozzi and Anand Bhattacharya, of Mortgage-Backed Securities: Products, Structuring, and Analytical Techniques, which was named one of the top ten finance texts in 2007 by RiskBooks. He has written and edited chapters for The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities, The Handbook of Fixed-Income Securities, Securities Finance, and The Encyclopedia of Financial Models, and co-authored papers published in The Journal of Structured Finance and American Securitization. He also wrote the monthly “In My View” column for Asset Securitization Report from 2008-2012.

Bill Berliner, Director of Analytics at MCT