MSRlive! 3.0 – New Technological Advancements that Produce Better Efficiency

Join MCT’s Bill Shirreffs, Senior Director, Head of MSR Services and Sales Operations, David Burruss, Director, MSR Sales, Natalie Martinez, Manager of the MSR Services Department & Client Success, and Azad Rafat, Senior Director, MSR Services as they discuss new enhancements to the MSRlive! model, provide insight into the MSR market as a whole, and open the floor for questions from participants.

MCT Industry Webinar: Complete Best Execution – Now Including Fully Integrated Retain/Release MSR Decisioning

MCT Industry Webinar: Complete Best Execution – Now Including Fully Integrated Retain/Release MSR Decisioning

In this webinar, MCT will review the current state of the MSR market and discuss more comprehensive retain vs. release strategies, in addition to our recently introduced fully integrated Enhanced Best Execution (EBX) solution. MCT’s Paul Yarbrough will provide insights from a trader’s perspective regarding MSR best execution strategies at time of loan sale. He will also be highlighting MCT’s Rapid Commit technology and assignment of trade processes. This session will include a live demo of the EBX (MCTlive! and MSRlive!) integration, showcasing how EBX can effectively optimize your flow MSR trading process and decisions.