MCT Client Webinar – Customized Spec Durations

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In this client-excusive webinar, MCT’s Phil Rasori and Andrew Rhodes provide an exclusive look into customizable duration analysis for specified loan products on MCTlive! 

The new specified loan durations functionality, customized to the given lender’s execution, puts the formerly back-end modeling directly in the hands of mortgage capital markets professionals.

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About the Webinar:

Discover how MCT's new customizable duration analysis for specified loan products empowers mortgage lenders with precise control over spec durations, enabling more accurate hedging and reduced basis risk in this webinar.

Topics Include:

  • Overview of MCTlive!’s customizable duration analysis for specified loan products.
  • How granular spec durations enhance hedge performance and reduce basis risk.
  • Practical applications for leveraging duration granularity in the secondary mortgage market.
  • Real-world insights on increasing loan pool eligibility and optimizing pricing strategies.

View the recording below or download the slidedeck.

About the Webinar Presenters:

Phil Rasori, Senior Director, Chief Operating Officer, MCT

Mr. Rasori is a recognized thought-leader in capital markets operations within the mortgage banking community. His areas of expertise include complex financial modeling, computational dynamics, and linear programming for operational optimization. He developed the ground-breaking mortgage pipeline hedging algorithms that form the foundation of MCT’s HALO Program today. He has also pioneered several metrics that have become standard industry parlance, including “beta pull-through” factors. In addition to banking clients, Mr. Rasori has consulted with GSE agencies and the US Government on hedging best practices for community banks. Mr. Rasori has functionally led MCT operations since 2005 and ascended to his current role as COO in 2007.

Mr. Rasori is a graduate of University of California, San Diego, and holds a B.S. in Management Science.

Andrew Rhodes, Senior Director, Head of Trading, MCT

Mr. Rhodes began his career with MCT in 2005 as the company’s first dedicated loan sale specialist. He initially created investor specific models to accurately produce market based mandatory pricing for all pricing aspects in MCT including rate sheet generation,  best executions, and fair market valuations. During the years following his hire, his role was redefined to include client pipeline risk management. Over the years he was able to grow with the company gaining skills and experience in multiple fields in secondary. He was soon after named as SVP of Trading. As a part of his daily operations he has been responsible for overseeing the risk management and loan sale execution for many of MCT’s clients. Outside of the daily operations, Mr. Rhodes has been instrumental in helping to roll out MCTlive’s MCT Marketplace among many of the other new initiatives at MCT.

Mr. Rhodes graduated from the University of California, San Diego, and holds a B.A. in Economics.