Post Election Market Volatility 12/21/16

Join Phil Rasori to learn more about best practices for market advisory and how to navigate the market effectively.

Post Election Market Volatility with Phil Rasori – MCT National Client Webinar 11/21/16

In this national webinar from November 21, 2016, broadcast with hedge advisory clients, MCT’s COO Phil Rasori discusses the recent post election market volatility and it’s potential affects on mortgage pipeline management.

The last adverse market movement of this magnitude was Summer of 2013!


About The Presenter – Phil Rasori

phil-r09COO & Hedge Advisory Lead

Mr. Rasori is a recognized thought-leader in capital markets operations within the mortgage banking community. His areas of expertise include complex financial modeling, computational dynamics, and linear programming for operational optimization. He developed the ground-breaking mortgage pipeline hedging algorithms that form the foundation of MCT’s HALO Program today.

Read Phil Rasori’s Full Bio