Case Study: NBH Bank Leverages 10 Day MCT Rapid Onboarding
In this case study, Ajay Timothy and Thia Kaleta of NBH Bank describe their process getting started with MCT and how they were able to get mortgage pipeline hedging and best execution loan sales up and running in just ten days.
NBH Bank relied on MCT to come together with multiple teams to support them in a safe, effective way outside of normal processing times to ensure there were no gaps in their hedge coverage. Download the case study to learn how MCT exceeded onboarding expectations.
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“MCT exceeded our expectations for this onboarding process. We were in a compromised position with our previous hedge provider and needed to get this done quickly…we got this done in about 10 days.” - Ajay Timothy,Vice President | Director of Secondary and Capital Markets, NBH Bank
About the Case Study:
In this case study, NBH Bank describes their process getting started with MCT in just ten days. Topics from the case study include:
How did MCT navigate your vendor, governance, and compliance requirements?
How did MCT compare to your previous provider?
What was the onboarding experience and timing that you were expecting, and were those expectations met?
Download our case study today to learn more about our rapid onboarding experience!
Featured Case Study Excerpts:
NBH Bank relied on multiple teams within MCT to ensure a safe and rapid onboarding process. While their journey with MCT started with the sales team, there were numerous other teams involved during the onboarding process to ensure NBH Bank felt comfortable and could trust MCT’s security and software. Learn more about these teams along with a breakdown of the onboarding process times below.
Why were you looking for rapid onboarding with MCT?
“We had been in conversations with MCT in the past and looked at the system during a couple conventions and were really impressed. But after our previous hedge provider was unable to perform our hedge responsibilities for a considerable amount of time, we decided to go full steam ahead with MCT to make sure our hedge position was covered.” – Ajay Timothy
What was your experience with key MCT team members, such as sales, client success, data integration services, and other teams?
“Our first contact was with sales and I think that went really well. Despite us losing our CFO, we were able to get everything done. We had frequent meetings with MCT during the onboarding process and I think from sales to your client success group every department in your company has been very helpful. It seems like you have more people than you do. I was very surprised because you’re always available to us and you continue to be at the drop of a hat.” – Ajay Timothy
What was your experience with key MCT team members, such as sales, client success, data integration services, and other teams? Do you feel like MCT has provided the level of support you need to be successful?
“MCT’s expertise has helped us build confidence along with the ability to reach people at any time. Having a live person there to bounce things off along with our weekly calls, especially in such a critical field is really, really important to us. The hedging piece is probably the most important piece of mortgage banking, so having the systems and safeguards in place helps us sleep better. With previous hedge firms I noticed that as soon as we converted over the support was virtually non-existent. MCT has really exceeded my expectations in terms of support. That was something that was promised to me and you guys certainly lived by your word.” – Ajay Timothy