Preserve Margins and Improve Pricing with the Base Rate Generator

Base Rate Generator Key Features


We asked MCT’s Luke Chang, Director, Product and Pricing Division, to sit down and provide insight regarding the Base Rate Generator and how it applies to capital markets professionals. MCT has developed the Base Rate Generator through direct collaboration with clients to open up a new era of efficiency and control.

In this video, Mr. Chang explains the Base Rate Generator and some key features within the tool, including specs being passed through the aggregator rate sheet, the best ex process, and advanced granularity benefits.

Watch the video below to see what Mr. Chang says about the Base Rate Generator.

Topics Include:

  • What is the Base Rate Generator?
  • How does the Base Rate Generator assist with specs being passed through on the aggregator rate sheet?
  • How does the Base Rate Generator create a better best ex process?
  • What are the granularity benefits of using the Base Rate Generator?

“We are seeing in our client customer base that the spec products that are currently being offered on the aggregator pricing is causing a complexity in their rate sheet. This spec tool really gives you that control into your rate sheet generation to put a haircut in that spec to produce a more even pricing to your originators.”

Luke Chang, Director, Product and Pricing Division, MCT


Want to hear more about the Base Rate Generator? Originators interested in learning more about the industry-first features included in Base Rate Generator should register for the upcoming Base Rate Generator webinar. Join MCT’s Phil Rasori, Chris Anderson, Rob Barnhill, and Luke Chang for this in-depth webinar scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th at 11AM PT.

Base Rates & Custom Rate Sheets – Why Now?


We asked MCT’s Chris Anderson, CAO & Head of Pricing Services, to sit down and provide insight regarding the Base Rate Generator at MCT and how it applies to capital markets professionals. MCT has developed the Base Rate Generator through direct collaboration with clients to open up a new era of efficiency and control.

In this video, Anderson explains the importance of the Base Rate Generator and how this solution combines live agency API connections, co-issue executions, aggregator pricing, and more benefits for originators.

Watch the video below to see what Mr. Anderson has to say about the Base Rate Generator.

Topics Include:

  • Why is MCT emphasizing the Base Rate Generator?
  • How will a custom rate sheet support your lock desk?
  • Who should use a custom rate sheet?

“If you’re forming your front end price with the ultimate back end best execution that you’re going to be delivering to on a short term mandatory basis, and you’re eliminating any of this volatility that might be occurring in the best effort rat sheet, anything that get’s locked into that hedge is going to perform just like a hedged loan should.” – Chris Anderson, MCT CAO 


Want to hear more about the Base Rate Generator? Originators interested in learning more about the industry-first features included in Base Rate Generator should register for the upcoming Base Rate Generator webinar. This webinar has passed and was led by MCT’s Phil Rasori, Chris Anderson, Rob Barnhill, and Luke Chang. 

Want to learn more from MCT?

In this latest MCT whitepaper, MCT’s Managing Director, Head of Sales, Ben Itkin, explains the intricate world of mortgage pipeline hedging’s key topics of duration, convexity, and the interplay between various market dynamics.


Download Whitepaper

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